5 fun ways to teach your kids about nutrition

5 fun ways to teach your kids about nutrition

Keen to teach your kids about nutrition? Our shared goal at ingarden is to make people’s lives healthier through accessible, wholesome nutrition. After years of research, we know that the key to better understanding the importance of nutrition is education. That’s why we created this special guide to help! 


5. Teach them a catchy song 

Embrace your inner songwriter and craft a song on the topic of nutrition. Take a popular melody and add lyrics that explain which foods contain which nutrients and why those nutrients are good for us. Keep things simple and start with vitamins A, B, and C. choose foods they probably already know, like carrots and oranges. Add additional vitamins over time!

4. Incorporate those foods in their diet

Once your kids have mastered the catchy new nutrition song, strengthen its message by regularly including those foods in their diets. Each time the foods are on the menu, sing the song together, and your kids be reminded of what nutrient they’re getting and why it’s good. Before you know it, your kids will sing the catchy nutrition song independently and with their friends. 

3. Make those foods appealing

Songs are catchy, but it’s also important to make the foods (and their nutritional value) appealing too! Getting kids excited about high-nutrition foods like beans and kale isn’t always easy. Still, there are plenty of ways to get your kids to eat them. for example, sprinkle nuts on top of their oatmeal in the morning. Serve broccoli with a cheesy sauce. Bake spinach and feta inside a pastry.

2. Get them involved with preparation

Connect your kids with nutritious foods by getting them involved in the preparation process. When they’re young, show them how to wash blueberries and juice oranges. as they get older, introduce more advanced techniques, like cutting and steaming. by teaching your kids these simple tasks when they’re young, they’ll naturally develop a lifelong bond with these nutritious foods.

kid learning about nutrition with ingarden

1. Start harvesting at home

Harvesting nutritious foods at home is the best way to teach your kids about nutrition. This way, they’ll have a constant supply of nutrition immediately in front of their eyes, which they’ve helped to grow. Growing and harvesting at home cultivates a sense of pride in kids (and adults!), motivating us to eat the produce. They will also have fun setting up the seeds and watching them grow each day! You can grow nutrient-dense microgreens like red cabbage using your ingarden, then harvest other nutrient-rich veggies such as tomatoes, parsley, and basil using a plant pot on your windowsill, balcony, or garden.

We weren't mad at traditional supplements, just disappointed.

That's why we've discovered something even better: Microgreens.

Imagine tiny vegetables, but:

With 40 times more nutrients

Ready to harvest & eat in just 7 days

Goes well with any dish

Grows all year round

Delicious & varied


No pesticides & herbicides

No secrets, just nature

Girl looking at microgreens which are growing in ingarden device man with grey hair cutting microgreens in his ingarden growing kit Little girl showing looking fascinated at her ingarden microgreens.